Deciding to actually have your logo professionally designed might have been a bit of a chore for you, and now to find out that it might need to be redesigned down the road… that could take you over the edge. Or, maybe not. I’ll chat about that in this week’s edition of Manic Marketing Monday.

Think of your logo like the how my wife thinks of our bedroom walls – every so often they both need refreshing. Even though I try to tell my wife that “…nobody goes in there, so why change it up?”, the same is not true about your logo… people see it all of the time. Now you may not need a completely new and different design, maybe just smaller tweaks to update it. But then again, if it’s just plain awful… then a new direction could do you some good. Over the years, even the most popular brands in the world have updated their branding, check out these examples below.

So from the global brands that I’ve used as examples, you can see that sometimes a redesign encompasses only a few small tweaks – and then sometimes it involves a completely new direction.

Adding or changing a color, swapping out a font, or even just slightly manipulating the icon of your logo and be a big enough change to help make it relevant again. Sometimes though, it’s time for a new direction – to come up with a fresher brand to help your business stand out once again.

Here are some signs that it might be time to consider a redesign for your logo:

  1. Your logo is pixelated – it looks like an old 1980 atari video game! Minecraft is meant to look that way, your logo isn’t!
  2. The colors in your logo match grandma’s living room drapes! 2 words: not, good.
  3. You made it yourself on PowerPoint or Word. Homemade things have sentimental value… but that’s about it!
  4. You put your logo on a t-shirt, your friends were kind enough to take them, but never wear them!
  5. It doesn’t reflect how you do business. All fun aside, your logo is supposed to represent everything that you are trying to be and how you do business. If it’s old and ugly, people will think the same of you!

Check out more signs here.

So, ask a friend or business associate to give you a ‘no-holds-barred’ honest evaluation of your logo. You might just find that it’s time for a redesign!


owner/artist Brown Cow Design