Well, today is part two of knowing the right time to redesign. Last week I talked about redesigning your logo… today we’ll chat about your website, in this edition of Manic Marketing Monday.

So at one point in time, you decided to get a website designed, built, or just simply put together. You might have had a friend do it, a friend of a friend, chose an online company like Wix and did it yourself, or went the extra mile and paid a designer to professionally design and build your new site. At the start of a new venture, it’s always an exciting time to have a logo designed and then finally a new site put together… you feel like you’ve made it and your business is alive. But after only a few years, things can easily get a bit stale… especially in a growing marketing and technical world! How do you know it’s time to refresh? Here are a couple of ideas:

  1. If your business has gone through a name change or direction change, it might be time. Businesses who go through a phase like this will often elect for a new or updated logo… this is no brainer for a website refresh. Out with the old, in with the new.
  2. You are losing clients to the “other guys” simply because their site looks better than yours. It happens all of the time, even when you rank higher than them in online searches! People like to click through several search results, and those sites that look more professional and have a better design always have a leg up on the competition… always!
  3. Once again… if your website looks like grandma had a hand in the design… uh, do I need to go further?
  4. Out dated information on a website says, “we don’t look at our own site very much… so you shouldn’t either.” Keeping your site up-to-date is like keeping the oil changed in your car. Might be time to think about a WordPress site… just like the sites Brown Cow builds. That way, you can keep your site updated faster, more frequently, and a whole lot easier!

Getting your site built the first time might have been a daunting task for you, but a new one doesn’t have to be hard, time consuming, or expensive. In the end you’ll see that it’s something you should have done a long time ago!


artist/owner Brown Cow Design