The Manic-Marketing subject for this Monday is -which is better for my site: seo -or- design? Here’s my opinion – –

Search Engine Optimization (or S.E.O.) is the next great thing in business marketing. To get your business to rank higher (hopefully on the first page of search results) is a major marketing strategy for most businesses, big or small. There are a lot of bigger businesses who are spending bigger money on SEO as a priority in their marketing strategy, the idea: get more people (potential clients) to see more of your business, on a more consistent basis… online. Which might seem like the best idea ever (or at least in the last few years). But what happens if you spend a ton of money to rank higher with a very sub-par website. In other words, people find your dull, out-dated site a lot faster, and click away even faster towards the next guy in line with a better looking site.

The other side of the pendulum is just the opposite – you might have the best looking website design in the history of website design, but have no presence on the web – you are not found at all in an online search. So, you spent precious time and money… for nothing.

Both extremes are actually a waste of time, the end result is time, effort, and resources spent with nothing to show. Maybe instead of being one-sided, our strategic goal should be one with balance. Instead of focusing on being number one in an online search, rank in the top six with the best looking website design. Most searchers are gonna look at the top six anyway, just to compare. Beat out your competition with a website that not only ranks high, but also one that effectively tells the simple, compelling story of your business… with style!

scottJ (Brown Cow Design Owner/Artist)